I am one of the first lecturers in Hungary researching and educating sustainability more than twenty five years ago. I have a PhD degree on theoretical modeling of sustainability and application in settlement planning (2006). The dissertation was based on evolutionary and systems theory. I was part of the planning team on the Sustainable Concept of Pécs and I am the member of Blue Economy Innovation Cluster, as well a known lecturer and participant in civil organizations.My most important educated courses are: Global problems, Theory of sustainability, Sustainable settlement development, Sustainable rural areas development, Sustainable and responsible tourism and ecotourism, Education of sustainability.Dr. Klára Hajnal PhDSenior LecturerUNIVERSITY OF PÉCS, HUNGARYFaculty of SciencesInstitue of GeographyDepartment of Human Geography and Urban StudiesHungaryPécshajnalklarissa@gmail.com